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2nd Draft


            Football is a sport that requires commitment, mental toughness, and teamwork. Players who want to compete at a collegiate level must have more than just natural ability. Natural talent can only get players so far, and at a certain point, they have to commit themselves fully in order to continue making developments on the field. Football has always been an important part of my life because my dad played in the NFL for 13 years. He played a substantial role in my success in football by always supporting me and providing me with whatever I needed in order to succeed.

            My entire life, I have played football, basketball, and soccer. Once my junior year in high school rolled around, I decided it was a good time to commit myself to one sport: football. My goal is to transfer to North Carolina State University and play on their football team next year. However, if I don’t get accepted I am planning on walking on for UNC Charlotte.

            If I want to be as successful as possible playing football, I need to stay conditioned throughout this year and continue working out on my own time. My next step in the whole process is getting back in touch with the coaches from both teams, hopefully earning a spot on the team.
















          Traveling the world is something I have always been intrigued in. I was born in California, and one of my favorite things to do is go back and visit all my old friends. I also go to NYC quite often, but someday I hope to be able to financially stable enough to travel worldwide. The only unique places I have ever been to are Hawaii, Costa Rica, and the Bahamas. My sisters have both been lucky enough to go to Africa and Europe as well, and they both came back more with a better perception of what is going on in other parts of the world.

            Traveling is important to me because I like to have knowledge in other cultures and traditions. The majority of people that travel out of the country tend to stay in resorts which in my opinion, takes away from the experience. It’s too easy to stay inside the resort, lay out by the pool, and tan all day. I think in order to get the most out of a trip, people should stay in places where they can absorb as much culture as possible rather than paying for an international flight just to lay out by a pool and be catered by employees.















             Exercise, like lifting, running, and eating healthy are all important in living a healthy life style. I try to lift six times a week and run two or three times a week. However, I think paying attention to what I eat is the most crucial factor in being healthy. My dad has always been a fitness freak, and I began to pick up some of his habits when I grew up.

            These things are important to me because when I get into an efficient routine, I tend to generally feel better. Everyone knows the feeling of eating McDonald’s and regretting it as soon as they finish. There has been a number of studies showing that eating healthy and exercising daily stimulate the brain and increase one’s mood. I definitely have days that I eat nothing but junk and skip my workout, and there is undoubtedly a difference in my mood and personality after a couple days of being on a healthy routine.

            Experiencing the difference in vitality make me want to continue being on a healthy routine for as long as possible. College doesn’t necessarily make it easy, but it’s not impossible to find healthy food on campus. My friend and I got on the same routine senior year in high school, which made it a lot easier because we could hold each other accountable. It may be hard for some people to start routines like this, but after a while, when you start to realize the changes, it becomes a habit, and I would even say addicting.




















            Reading is something humans do every day. Whether we recognize it or not, we are either reading from a social media network, signs on the road, options on a menu, etc. However, the definition of reading isn't limited to just the interpretation of writing. Reading can also be defined as the understanding or analysis of a particular situation.

            Most people will probably say one of their English teachers is the reason why they began to read. I can’t think of a specific person that got me into reading, but I can say that I don't think any of my English teachers are the reason I began. I don’t agree with how middle school and high school teachers throw books at students and expect them read every last page. Students should be able to read books they are genuinely interested in. The most important part of reading a book is what you get out of it, and students don’t get anything out of a book when their only goal is to not fail to next quiz. 

            Reading is important to me when I have the ability to read something that sparks an interest in me. I’ve learned a lot more from book and articles that I read on my own than I have from any assigned reading I’ve been given in school. I learn more new information from links that I stumble across on twitter because I actually have an interest in reading them. It’s my choice whether or not I click on the link, it’s not an obligation, therefore my mind opens up to the context inside.






            Writing is being able to put your thoughts down onto paper into a literate, coherent structure. People write for many different reasons, but the four main reasons are to inform, describe, entertain, or persuade. All writing also has what we call a target audience. A target audience is a group of people in which the writer is trying to get through to or deliver a message to. I’m not a big fan of writing, so the majority of the time I write is because I have been given an assignment.

            Everyone has their own writing style which makes each person unique and different from one another. Some people write music. Some people write poems. Some people just write in journals or diaries and don’t share their writing with anyone else. Although I’m not a big writer, it is important to me and so many others because it gives people the opportunity to share their ideas and express their thoughts. With writing, the sky is the limit, and that freedom is what makes some writers so successful.

            In order to be a better writer, I need to learn how to write some of the ideas I have, without changing the meaning of what I am trying to say. Sometimes I find it hard to put my thoughts onto paper in a way for the reader to understand. I think once I perfect that skill, I will continue to grow as a writer and begin to see improvements in my writing.















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