1. Do you feel as if you accomplished everything that you set out to do with the Literacy Vignettes project? For your Genre project? Why or why not (for each)?
- For the literacy vignettes project, I don't feel like there was anything I left out that would have enhanced it much more. I’m sure I could go back and re-word some sentences to make them flow better, but as far as content, I feel good about them. As for the genre project, my three subjects were football, traveling, and cooking; However, I would have liked to include exercise as opposed to cooking. I was going to take an article setting up a meal/workout plan and create my own two month long plan, including workouts for every day and carb, calorie, fat, sodium, etc. intake for each day. As you can imagine, that would have taken me forever, so I was going to use one of the plans that I have personally used which was given to me by a trainer, but that didn't work with the guidelines of the project. So instead, I just did cooking instructions on how to make one of my favorite dinner meals.
2. Now that you've finished the projects, is there anything that you wished you'd done differently? What and why?
- I’m pretty satisfied with both of my projects, so I don't think I would want to make any major changes to either one. If the genre project was given to us as a semester long project, I would have probably gone through with making my own meal/workout plan and made it as detailed as the one I received. Other than that, the only thing I might do differently is use an article from the Charlotte Observer about me playing football, instead of a picture, and still changed it into the video.
3. Do you feel as if you had enough time for both projects? Why or why not?
- I had plenty of time for the literacy vignettes, with plenty of time to spare. For the genre project, I think it depends on how in depth people are wanting to go with it. If I had gone with the exercise plan, I think I would have needed a lot more time to finish it, but I had enough time to do what I did instead.
4. Do you think that your projects are both "finished products"? Why or why not?
- I think both my projects are finished products, as far as turning them in for a final grade. However, I don’t really think anything is ever a completely “finished” product. There’s always room for minor adjustments and improvements. Every writer has looked back at previous pieces they've completed, and has thought “why did I phrase it like that” or “this doesn't sound right” or something along those lines. So I think that both my projects are finished enough to be submitted, but along with anything, will still have room for revision in the future.