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          Throughout the process of creating my genre project, I made a lot of minor and major changes. I originally intended to use exercise as my third translation, and I planned on translating an article about health and fitness into a one month workout and meal plan. When I began to outline the translation, I realized it was going to be much more challenging because of the detail a meal plan requires. I would have liked to create this translation, but I simply didn't have the time; however, cooking was a good replacement because I got the recipe for my favorite meal. 

          Peer revisions for the genre project were helpful for me because I got specific feeback on how the translation changed the effect of the pieces. While reviewing my traveling page, Carly Thomas recommended mentioning how an article provides facts and details, but a poster provides pictures that appeal to the audience and creates a desire to go there. My group also helped me make my website more user friendly. 

          I think the process I used for this project was beneficial. I focused more on content in the beginning rather than layout. This let me get as much feedback as possible from my peers before worrying about the website's design. After receiving all my feedback, I went through and made the recommended changes that I thought would strenghten my points. By the time I got to the final draft and portfolio draft, I had already gotten so much feedback that I didn't need to make many changes to the content. Most of the changes I made later in the process were design based, making the site more visually appealing. 

          The thing I liked most about this assignment was being able to pick one random subject to do a translation for. I would have struggled if I had to do the translation on exercise because of what I planned on doing for it. As far as disliking something in this assignment, I don't have much to say. I think the assignment was enjoyable because we were writing about things we enjoy. We were also given a fair amount of time to complete it and received a decent amount of feedback throughout the process. 

          This assignment made me realize I don't like creating websites. I have OCD when it comes to organization, so finding a good layout and design drove me crazy. I also realized how much translating the genre can impact the purpose and audience. Something as simple as changing an article to a poster can change the audience from adults to children, adults, and people of all ages. 




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