Peer Review Reflection
1. Was this as bad as the previous versions? why?
- I have not gone through my feedback yet, but I think it will be better than previous versions because a lot of people in high school don't take things like this seriously.
2. Did you get any ideas from your project by reviewing a peers paper?
- No, I liked the ideas I had already and didn't want to make any major changes.
3. Which points made by your peers was helpful? which weren't?
- I didn't get any unhelpful feeback, I liked all the ideas that were brought up. Some helpful feedback I got was elaborating on some of my points and going into more depth.
4. Do you plan to incorporate any of your feeback?
- Yes because other people's perspectives are always helpful. Sometimes, I can't see my own mistakes until someone else points them out.
5. What value do you see in peer review? Is it worth it?
- Multiple people giving you feedback before the final draft is always helpful. It is worth it if people take it seriously and give you quality feedback.
Journal 10/14
1. What is a good example of the fluidity of genre that you've come across in your own readings? What genre does this text include and how smooth is the flow from one to another?
-A list to a powerpoint. This transition is smooth because the list is the main points in the powerpoint, the powerpoint just goes into more detail.
2. Will you be using narratives in your major/career? why or why not?
- I don't see myself using narratives in my major or career. I will probably be using more emails, letters, or proposals in my future.
3. What are some of the conventions of an abstract?
- Some characteristics of an abstract writing are being brief, descriptive, and to the point.
4. What are some conventions of a report? What other genres share some of these conventions?
- Characteristics of a report include statements, facts, and formality. Some other genres with these characteristics are speeches and letters.
5. What different tones can be found in the argument genre? How do they affect the argument and determine the audience?
-Tones found in an argument genre can be formal, informal, persuasive, persistant, and anything that helps get one's point across. Different tones can be more effective in different situations.
Journal 10/19
1. What frustrated you in creating a layout for your site?
-I am very picky with organization, so it took me a while to find a layout that I felt good using.
2. What made you the happiest?
- Wix made the overall process very easy for me.
3. What questions do you have about the site itself?
- I don't have any questions about using the site. I used it last year for a project in high school and got pretty good at using it.
Journal 10/26
1. What types of feedback did you receive?
-Types of feedback I received was grammatical corrections, changes in sentence structure, word choice, and I was told the font I used was difficult to read.
2. What is the worst feedback you've ever received?
- The worst feedback I've ever received is only positive comments because they aren't constructive and don't give me anything to improve.
3. What is the best feedback you've received?
- The best feeddback I get is when it is constructive. I like when people not only point something out but give me examples on how I might be able to improve it.
Journal 10/28
1. Define "summary", "annotation" and "paraphrase"
-Summary: brief description of a work, including the most important details.
-Annotation: could be a note, comment, question, etc.
-Paraphrase: putting another person's words into your own while maintaining the same general meaning.
2. Compare these terms... Similarities? Differences?
- Similarities: all have to do with other pieces of work. All involve reading something and adding your own ideas.
- Differences: Annotations are short, brief comments while summaries and paraphrasing are a bit longer. Summaries don't need citations, paraphrasing does.
3. Which do you use most when you write? why?
- I use paraphrasing the most because I typically research and use what other people say in my own words. You would use annotations when giving feedback to another person's work or your own work.
4. Why do you have to cite these?
- They derive from the work of others.