I liked the Writing to Learn assignments because they were never too long and always had something to do with what we covered in class. I especially liked WTL #4 because it connected writing to our career choices. I had the chance to think about how writing will impact my career as well as what I need to improve on in order to be successful in my career. I also liked WTL #7 because it gave us the oppurtunity to give you feedback on the projects we had completed at the time. The thing I liked most about the Writing to Learn assignments was being able to express our opinions even if they differed from the majority. I think that is important in writing and think the grading was fair and unbiased.
The only thing I disliked about these assignments when we had to summarize a culture to both you and to a friend. I didn't like texting a friend a summary of an article when they probably couldn't care less. I learned that writing is a lot easier for me when I don't have to worry about having a write or wrong idea.