If I had do define “literacy” in my own words, I wouldn't say it is whether or not a person can read or write. Personally, I would define it as the amount of knowledge one has in a specific area. If a person is illiterate, I would not assume he or she is incapable of reading or writing. My assumption would be that they are just lacking knowledge in a peculiar area.
As for defining a vignette, I would say it is a relatively short piece that evokes some time of emotion in the reader. While a vignette should be short, it should also be detailed and loaded with emotion. A literacy vignette would be a combination of both of these definitions.
I think a literacy vignette is a short, descriptive portrayal of one’s knowledge in a subject. They should be in depth and contain as much essential information as possible without including any unnecessary details. The writer should be descriptive and attempt to bring out an emotional connection with the reader by writing what he or she truly has in mind.
The purpose of the literacy vignette assignment is to allow us to write about something we are passionate about, and allow you to get to know us better. This gives us the opportunity to tell you something about us and who we are in a short, but detailed way that hopefully strikes up some kind of emotion in both of us. This assignment will also give you an idea of what our writing styles are, show you where we are as writers, and give us both something to look back on in the future and see what kinds of improvements we’ve made in writing. Hopefully assignments like this will help me get better at putting my ideas down on paper without dragging them out into long, meaningless paragraphs.